We have 3 baby budgies that we want give to a caring and loving home. Asking for $15 each
SOLDHand fed Baby turquoise yellow side Green Cheek are now ready for their forever homes. They are eating fresh fruit and veggies, pellets and seed. Ready…
SOLDBeautiful little Indian Ringneck. She is DNA'd a little girl and has a fun and spunky personality. She loves food and cuddles and had decided she loves…
SOLDEnglish Budgies are the best friend you could ever have! This sweet little giant needs the best forever family.
SOLDHand tame and oh so cute turquoise yellow sided green cheeks. Baby will be ready to leave the nest in 4 weeks. Beautiful color and will be lots of fun…
SOLDBeautiful color green cheek, Green wings with burgundy tail. Will be available in 3 weeks. Currently hand fed and tame. Please reserve yours today…
SOLDYoung crimson belly baby. Baby is handfed and will be delivered as a pet. Will develop a red chest when older.
SOLDAccepting reservations on this adorable baby Crimson bellied!! He is currently being hand-fed and will be trained. Chest will turn red in 6 months.
SOLDBaby Kakariki DNA sexed Female. Mom is Yellow, Dad is Turquoise so baby is Normal pied split recessive pied and split turquoise. Baby is ready to go to…
SOLDI have 2 Crimson Bellied Conure chicks. The price is PER BIRD. We specialize in hand rearing many different species of birds.