American dilute green cheek conure 5-7 months $280 each were all handraised but no longer tame they do occasionally bite
$280Canary wings between 5-6 months were all handraised but no longer tame they dont bite hard but also dont like to be grabbed as much as they used to $280…
$280Suncheek conure almost fully weaned $440 as is starting to eat seeds but still eats formula 2 times a day
$440Baby cockatiels still being handfed 2 times a day $140 each
$140Tame baby Turquoise Green Cheek Conure. It is 2 months old. I don’t know the gender. It is $750 as it will let you hold it and eat spray millet from your…
$750I have a pair of Parrotlet Pacific Blue Both super cute and can still be tamed if wanted. They also should breed in about 2-3 months. 400 for both…
$400Price range from $250 to $330
$250Hand Fed, Peach Faced, Healthy, Female Lovebird. Happy and content being inside of her cage as well as explore outside and play and interact with humans…
$150Baby sun conure, 3 months old, tame and healthy, eating already, don’t need to hand feed. Don’t know the gender, didn’t DNA test.