Baby Plum Headed Parakeet (Psittacula cyanocephala) Available! Plum Headed Parakeets are native to the Indian Subcontinent. They are absolutely gorgeous…
$700Super sweet handled baby ringnecks that are being handfed. We have violet and white. Please text our phone number for more information
$500Suspected Female green Indian ringneck being hand raised and will be ready end of April or may . Will accept payments but you must make final payment before…
$500Grey suspected male Indian ringneck . He is currently being hand fed and should be ready at the end of April or beginning of may . Deposit of half preferred…
$650All 4 are green and yellow. One is more olive colored than the other 3.
$20This little baby will be ready in a few days. This is her first day without formula. Not sure about sex. Could be either. Eating pellets and Nutriberries…
$802 Indian Ringneck babies 800$ each
$800Hand raised Standard parakeet ready for a new home. Sweet little bird. Does really well with step up. Will sit on your hand for long periods of time. I…
$85Indian Ring Neck proven breeding pair **Not tame ** No shipping Hancock , Maryland
No Price ListedBaby Violet Cobalt Indian Ringneck Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) Available! Indian Ringnecks are popular for their charismatic behavior and outstanding…