We have a few hand fed and non hand fed parakeets available. our phone number
$60Female Blue Opaline baby. She has been weaned for about 2 weeks and is now ready for her new home. She is very sweet and social. She loves to have her…
SOLDHulk is a sweet boy that chose his name. He will snuggle but is also comfortable hanging out on your shoulder. His hatch date is 12/1/23
SOLDSex linked male Turquoise Opaline Quaker. He is Currently being hand fed and is on about 2 feedings a day. If interested in reserving this guy, I am taking…
SOLDSex linked male Blue Opaline baby still being hand fed. Super sweet. Now taking deposits.
SOLDThis little guy is a bit of a pickle. He is really good to me, but no one else in my family. I feel that he has the potential to be a good pet to one person…
SOLDDNA confirmed male. Meet Pepe. He is silly and sweet but initially shy. Once he settles in he loves scritches. He is now talking. He says "I'm a good boy…
SOLDDNA confirmed male Blue Opaline Quaker. Hatch date 7/23. He ready for his new home. This little guy has a spicy personality. He is sweet, and independent…
SOLDDNA confirmed female Blue Opaline Quaker. This is a special needs bird. She is smaller than usual and has some toe issues. Please call or text if interested…
SOLDDNA confirmed Female Blue Opaline Quaker. She has been hand fed and is now weaned. "Mary" is sweet and funny. She is independent and believes she is the…