1 whiteface pearl 1 pied 1 pearl All handfed and weaned out Oriental nc
$200Beautiful Quaker pairs Albino and yellow pair 800 600 a pair for rest
$600Have 10 pairs of lovebirds Laying eggs
$300The bird is great, sweet, and affectionate. Not loud, only when you come home and it’s an excited to see you. Loves to be on your shoulder or in your hair…
$650I have some middle eastern pigeons for sale, pair is $100 and contact me at (984) 261-4405
$100Weaned and ready to go. 1 pied & 1 pearl pied. Oriental nc 200 a piece...
$200Handfed, weaned and ready to go. Oriental nc.
$200no shipping must be picked up near Lexington North Carolina. Approximately Five year old female crimson belly conure Not tame. Was a breeder…
$500I have a mated pair of conures for sale. Two-time parents, excellent at caring for their young. The male is a turquoise of approximately six years of age…
$650DNA sexed female. From a loving pet home. Has never mated or laid eggs but she's only four-years-old and loves to help the other mamas with their babies…