Selling pairs of Diamond doves. Can be a mating pair or 2 females/2 males. Diamond doves don’t do well as solitary birds. I have 20 available and need…
$40Martinsville, VIRGINIA Gender: Assorted Hatch Dates: Jul. 9, 2024 * sibling (Pair 1) Jul.10, 2024 * sibling (Pair 1) Aug. 7, 2024 * sibling (Pair…
$40----ONE HEN LEFT---- No cocks left Moving out 5x young diamond doves from last year. These little ones are ADA closed-banded with 2024 bands. Some…
$35Diamond Dove, young, male and female
SOLDA bonded pair of DIAMOND DOVES! Diamond doves are tiny, elegant, and delicate-looking birds whose body is about the size of a lovebird with a long tail…
SOLDA pair of Peach and Blue white-tail Diamond dove! Diamond doves are tiny, elegant, and delicate-looking birds whose body is about the size of a lovebird…
SOLDHatch Dates: (Pair 1: Boy Jun.23, 2023 and Girl Jun.23, 2023 ~ not related, from 2 sets of parents) (Pair 2: Girl Jun.21, 2023 and Boy Jun.22, 2023…
SOLDI have a pair of young diamond doves for sale. Unknown genders, although original breeder suspects male/female pair. They are not flighty when left alone…