2 Beautiful blue fronted amazon, He is 8 months old. he or she likes talk to whistle Delta cargos or in person
SOLD2 year old female India blue peahen. Pick up only. Healthy.
SOLDHand fed and ready to go to loving home! Very sweet and adorable male Whiteface Pied cockatiel. This baby is 5 weeks old. Raised with tender loving care…
SOLDAdorable and hand tame green cheek! He hasn't been held for a bit, but he has never bit any of us and we just don't have the time for him anymore :( We…
SOLDHi I'm rehoming my yellow nape Amazon parrot. Male his name is Rocky. He is about 6 years old and hand tamed any questions please message $2000 O.B.O…
SOLDWhite belly Caique Pair, $3000 for both. They are 5 years old and are very friendly and tame.
SOLDTame and friendly Female Caique for sale. 3 years old
SOLDTame and friendly Male Caique for sale. 3 years old
SOLDBlue and Gold Macaw is one year old very beautiful colors loves to climb up on a perch and swing and do tricks.
SOLDBaby male lutino cockatiel. DNA sexed. 3 weeks old. Hand raised, is super sweet and tame Deposits are non-refundable