2 year old female India blue peahen. Pick up only. Healthy.
SOLD1.5 year hybrid ( yellow shoulder & blue fronted) amazon male ( DNA tested) is looking for new home. Can whistle Andy Griffin Show theme song and Jingle…
SOLDOne and a half year old, male, African Grey. I need to sell it due to lack of time to care for him. Comes with large cage if needed for free
SOLDTom and Jerry are bonded blue fronted Amazons. They say: How are you, Very fine, Hello. Love to whistle. Tom (male, we think) is on the top and Jerry …
SOLDWhiteface cockatiel babies. Mom is wf dad is wf split cinnamon, pied, lutino and pearl
SOLDBeautiful baby Indian Ringneck pallid turquoise blue. DNA blood certified as a male. He is very friendly to people. Love morning flies, scratches on head…
SOLDFriendly One Year old Sun Conure for Sale. Price of the Sun Conure is $600. No Refunds of any kind however if you are unable to take care of the bird we…
SOLD7 year old Sunconure unsure of Sex but was told he is a boy. Really likes to go onto a perch if outside of cage. Originally not hand tamed but has made…
SOLDVery friendly baby Pineapple Conure. DNA blood test certified as Male. He loves to play on hands, very active, Tame, and loves head scratches And cuddle…
SOLDHi, I have three rare elegant parrots available: one male and two females. One female is 2019 and was raised in California, she lost a few toenails a long…