Hatching now. Will be handfed for 6-8 weeks unless you are an experienced hand feeder. The last clutch of blues went fast and were gorgeous. Photos…
SOLDI have a male and female comes with their cage.due to health condition I need to rehome they are about 5 years old
SOLDDue to health conditions I need to rehome them. They will come with their cage . 1 male 1 female bonded
SOLD2 year old unrelated blue peach faced lovebirds. Bonded and are on their second clutch. I’m over loaded with babies at the moment. If you act quickly you…
SOLDNewly proven pair. Babies will be pulled in one week. Selling pair. I have a bonded pair of blue peach face lovebirds. Semi tame and love flying around…
SOLD4 babies just looking for trouble. Conures are funny and curious. Hanging upside down spying what kind of mischief they can become a part of. Updated…
SOLDFemale marbled hand fed but not really tame. young enough to come back to the nice side. She bites hard but is stunning and a rare mutation $275 would…
SOLDLutino young adult lineolated parakeet. Very nervous and will need time to warm Up. She’s definitely bottom heavy and came clipped can’t fly yet. She…
SOLDSweetest babies. Loves scratches, cuddles and being with people. whiteface Pearl pied. One male and one female left. Must show proof of suitable…
SOLDI have a 1 year old, DNA female, normal, green cheek Conure. She’s hand tame and a lovely bird. She used to enjoy snuggles but now free flying every day…