Baby/young cockatiels- not tame- were handfed- on pellets - can easily be tamed.
SOLDThis beautiful two-year old blue indian ringneck is looking for a new loving home! He has been fed a healthy diet, well-socialized, and is in excellent…
SOLDLooking for someone who can adopt this beautiful cockatiel. I think it’s a female, it’s very quiet. Please text our phone number if interested.She’s probably…
SOLDWhite face male cockatiel. Vocal and very cute
SOLDTame and friendly 6 month old pineapple green cheek Conure. Will step up and eat from your hand, as well as perch on your shoulder. Gender unknown. Likes…
SOLDMale Proven Green Wing Macaw. This is a proven breeder and not tame. The female died and this male needs a mate. This male is proven and has given me several…
SOLDVery tame and friendly. 6 months old. Will step up and perch on your finger or shoulder. $600. Loves to play on bird play stand. Thanks!
SOLDHalf tamed cinnamon cockatiel for sale. He is on a all natural pellet diet and eats bird chop. Likes to snuggle up a lot weather in or out his cage. Half…
SOLDCockatiel Ready for new home young handfed cockatiels they are about 2 1/2months old They like to be held a lot, very sweet and clingy Some of them…
SOLDAlbino baby cockatiel. Its about 1 1/2 months old. Almost weaned still crying for formula from time to time but already eating millet and bird seeds. Very…