*Ava is currently spoken for but this will be updated if rehoming her falls through* Ava is a beautiful and happy 7 yo female Sulfer Crested Cockatoo…
SOLDBeautiful dilute green cheek handfed youngster, ready for fun and love. This is the bird you will receive …it will need time to get adjusted to its new…
SOLDYoung handfed weaned beauty. Approximately 10 months. Curious…Will need time to adjust to you.
SOLDWeaned in June but has not been held much since then. Still will be fine and sweet when handled does not bite and wants attention. Won’t take much for…
SOLDSweet boy available NOW… don’t miss out on owning a sweet and spicy tiny parrot. They can change you forever. (Gold band boy in photo) Go green for Valentine…
SOLDSold Baby weaned tamed hand fed Male parrotlets available NOW… 1/31/24. adorable green male $250 each, ( green band baby in photo)
SOLDOne year old female parrotlet. Likes to be out of the cage, not tame.
SOLDI have 4 young, unsexed canaries for sale. These are my babies I raised myself. They are all yellow in color, no markings. They are around 5-6 months old…
SOLDI have a pair of young diamond doves for sale. Unknown genders, although original breeder suspects male/female pair. They are not flighty when left alone…
SOLDI have a canary pair for sale. They’re a slimmer, more athletic build than the typical fat fluffy canaries. The male sings every day. He is the variegated…