This is Coco only 3 years old Umbrella Cockatoo. Very friendly parrot. He can talk, dance, wave and he's leash trained. Unfortunately both of us me and…
SOLD10 weeks old yellow amazon! I got told is a boy! He need to be train!
SOLDHand Fed Rosie Bourkes. Hatch 5-7-2022. Ready to go 7-2-2022.
SOLDWe need to rehome our sweet, loving Cockatoo Calliope because I returned to work in the office and she has nobody home with her during the day. She loves…
SOLDRosy Bourke Parakeets. One Rubino and one Pale Fallow. Parent Raised. Believe both to be female. Born 8/23/22 & 8/28/22.
SOLDRosy Bourke Parakeets. One Rubino and one Pale Fallow. Hatched 8/23/22 & 8/28/22. Parent raised. Believe to both to be female.
SOLDHi is boy, his name is Charle. He talk a word, hello, joking, dance. …., I take care him a few month because my job no time for him. I want new house…
SOLDDEPOSIT RECEIVED. Pending pick up. 4 yo Catalina Hybrid Macaw for rehoming. Believed to be female, but not confirmed. She prefers men. Parents are a Scarlet…
SOLDTamed baby tiels looking for a new home feel free to contact my actual # I can take more pictures
SOLDHand tamed Feel free to call me lowest ill take id 1k or 700 each