I have a green cheek conure about 1 years old needing a home. Not sure if he is male or female but he is tame and talks a little. Steps up.
SOLD4 month old baby black mask lovebird. Tame and will cuddle on chest. Does well with kids and other birds.
SOLD4 month old baby love bird. Black masked. Tame.. will snuggle on chest. Great with kids and other birds also/
SOLDI have one male cockatiel left. Fully weened, handled, but not fully hand tamed. Hatched 5/25/24
SOLDI have 1 Cockatiel’s for sale. 3 months old ready to go to it’s forever home. Will not be DNA tested. Do NOT know gender. Please ask for more pictures…
SOLDI have 3 baby Cockatiel’s for sale. Hand tamed, $150 each. Ready to go beginning of April. Message for more pictures .
SOLDI have 2 Baby Cockatiel’s hand tamed, Ready to go to forever homes. Ask for more pics, could only post one pic for the Ad.
SOLDI have 3 cockatiel’s for sale. Fully weened, 14 weeks old. $100 each.
SOLDI have 3 baby Cockatiels for sale. Ready to go in a few weeks. Hand fed and tamed. $200 each
SOLDPascal is a young (under 5 years old per the previous owner), vivacious and noisy yellow-naped amazon. He was in a neglectful living situation and I adopted…