DNA tested yellow sided male Green Cheek Conures. $300 each.
SOLDFemale pied cockatiel ready for her new home! Turning 1-year-old on 6/8/22. She is $300 in total. I maintain close contact with buyers, always available…
SOLDUnsexed lutino pied cockatiel ready to go to their forever home! Father was a lutino pied, mother was a grey pied. A wonderfully active and quirky little…
SOLDA cockatiel baby is going to be ready for their new home on October 23, 2021! They will come with a gender certificate from iQ Bird Testing and a hatch…
SOLDTwo cockatiel babies are going to be ready for their new homes on October 4, 2021! They will come with a gender certificate from iQ Bird Testing and a…
SOLDSay hi to Gus! He's a healthy, friendly, 18 yo scarlet macaw. He would love to come live with an experienced large bird owner and get a lot of attention…
SOLDWe are rehoming 2 beautiful budgies. They are both females. They are both 1 1/2-2 years old. They are used to flying around the room.
SOLDTwo green cheek conures they are a bonded pair, so they need to go together. The pineapple GCC has been DNA tested she is a female, the suncheek GCC I…
SOLDMango is about 2 years old. She is the sweetest bird ever! This has been very hard for me, but I have come to accept the fact that she truly does need…
SOLDOur birds had babies that are ready to find new homes: We currently have one pearl boy, one pearl girl, one cinnamon pearl split to pied girl, and two…