Hi! This is lilly, shes only 3 years old! Shes very lovey and great with everyone! Children, other pets, all people. She loves to hang out while doing…
SOLD19 year old female Scarlett Macaw looking for a new home. She was hand fed as a baby. Do not have enough time to devote to her. Looking for a good home…
SOLD2 year old colorful Macaw. Speaks. Tamed. Fun around kids.
SOLDGrey Cockatiel Hatched March 28, 2023, hand fed eating and drinking on its own.. Asking $250 / OBO Must sell down to $150
SOLDBaby Cockatiels for sale. Born April 28th 2023. Hand tame and eating on its own. Extremely social, and thrive on interaction Love to play with Asking …
SOLDCinnamon Cockatiel Hatched Nov 8 2022, hand fed eating and drinking on its own. Cockatiels are easy birds to care for, making them a desirable pet…
SOLD2 Cinnamon Cockatiel Hatched Nov 8 2022, hand fed eating and drinking on its own. Cockatiels are easy birds to care for, making them a desirable pet…
SOLD3 Cockatiels for sale. Born April 23rd and a couple days later. Hand tame and eating on their own. Cockatiels are easy birds to care for, making them a…
SOLD3 Cockatiels for sale. Born April 23rd and a couple days later. Hand tame and eating on their own. Cockatiels are easy birds to care for, making them…
SOLD1 Cockatiels for sale. Born April 9th 2022, Hand tame and eating on their own. Cockatiels are easy birds to care for, making them a desirable pet. Bonds…