I have two lovebirds 3.5 months one is yellow with orange head , the other is green with a peach / yellowish head , message for more info
SOLDMagic is a very sweet bird. I had him since he was a weanling , he is afraid of everything! He is afraid of dogs and cats, I don’t think he ever will…
SOLD2 year old sun conure unknown sex Comes with entire set up
SOLDVery friendly and talks have to sell because of health
SOLDBonded proven pair available. $350 for the parents, 3 babies, and 2 remaining fertile eggs.
SOLD7-week-old green/yellow/blue/gray pied male & rare cobalt blue male. They are brothers, hatched one day apart, and hand-fed since they were 2 weeks old…
SOLDGorgeous male Parrotlet baby, 7 weeks old. Hand-fed and handled often with love and affection, which makes for a great pet! Get him while he is young!…
SOLDYellow female is 7 months - Turquoise female is 3 months. Asking for $175 each or both for $300
SOLDGorgeous pied parrotlets! Both are male. They are 4 weeks old and being hand-fed. They will be available in early May. Reserve one or both with a $50 deposit…
SOLD5 baby parrotlets being hand-fed will be ready in April & May. There are males and females. Females for $200 - Males are $250. Reserve your baby now before…