Male greenwing Macaw, 25 years old. I need to rehome him as I am moving and cannot take him with. He is vocal, loves attention and knows his name. His…
SOLD28 year old - beautiful, loud, silly, and messy green wing macaw. Does great with cats, dogs, adults but gets annoyed when small children are around for…
SOLDPutty is a cockatiel who has been in the family for 20 years but is looking for a new loving home. He loves to whistle and chatter, especially in sunny…
SOLDHand fed and hand tamed dna female violet lovebird. She is adventurous, loves to explore and will enjoy a cuddle after she’s checked out the place. Approx…
SOLDRehoming fee $80 each. Please bring your own cage or box. Pick up by 35st and Oklahoma Ave..
SOLDI have an adult female B&G macaw for sale. She is friendly and gets along with other birds. I do not ship.
SOLDFerghus is a ruby macaw that I’ve had since he was a baby. Dominant male. Gets along with other birds. Talks a lot.
SOLDMale green wing macaw for sale. Was a former breeding bird.
SOLD4 year old female Umbrella Cockatoo for re-home. Very sweet to humans and likes both men and women. Very affectionate, loves to cuddle, loves to lay…
SOLDBeautiful Suncheek Conure Hand tamed and Fed