Love bird Fischer 45 days old hand tame
SOLDHis name is mango he is mature hand tame play full asking $150
SOLDEstoy vendiendo mis cacatĂșas es una pareja o por separado 400 por la pareja o 200 por cada una
SOLDVendo una cacatĂșa ninfa por 200
SOLD$400 for both, can negotiate, not tamed and unsure of gender
SOLDI have a little green cheek conure her name is Jade. she is 2 1/2 years old, her cage and toys will be included. I have some birds that she is dominant…
SOLDI have a male cockatiel who needs a good and loving home. His name is Lokie and he will sit on your head or shoulder's under his terms. if you talk to…
SOLDBeautiful sweet young pair about 6 to 8 months.BLUEBERRY is a petite female blue body white head still turning and losing her baby stripes.she eats millet…
SOLDMy name is Blooper. I am a 12 year old Umbrella Cockatoo. I love to be held. I love to talk. My owner just cant commit the time that I need I them to,…
SOLDYoung 2023 Red Factor canaries, finished molting and ready for next breeding season. only a few left, $100 each, Cash and local pick up only.