Born December 25th 2021 No returns, no money back. Only pick up. TEXT ME if interested. please Must be over 18 years old to contact me
SOLDMango is a handsome fun Pineapple Conure. I have had him since he was 6 weeks old. He has a beautiful cage and all his favorite toys. He is water bottle…
SOLDTengo 2 parejas de cockatiel $300 como pareja, no acepto menos más información, escríbeme un mensaje
SOLD4 month old baby cocktiels hand tamed yellow is a male white and black is female only selling to bird owners
SOLDBeautiful white Indian Ringneck. DNA blood certified as a female. She can be around people on head or shoulders. She was hand fed from us but since baby…
SOLDPair of Sun Conure.Male is 3 yr old & Female is 2 yr old.No shipping only pick up.
SOLDBonded pair.Male is 3 year old female is 2 year old.
SOLD4 months old baby gcc.
SOLDLooking for a new home for my Fisher Withe Grey lovebird. She is around 3 years old. Good for breed (I get 3 clutches with 3-4 babies from her). She is…