Female parrotlets, 1 green pied, 1 yellow 3 month old Parent Fed Albany NY AREA no shipping.2 greens sold.
SOLDParrotlet blue female parent fed but handled regularly. 6 wks old. Albany NY location. i dont ship my birds.
SOLDYoung Bird is very friendly. He loves music and loves dance. He is very talkative. currently on pallets and vegs. He also loves eating off of our food…
SOLDTurqouise Pied Male Parrotlet. 2 yrs old. Tame. Albany NY area.
SOLDGot a beautiful pair of budgies for sale (A male and female) They are very friendly and healthy. Selling them as a pair with the extra large cage and…
SOLD2 yr old Male green parrotlet. Tame. Albany NY area.
SOLDTurqoiuse blue female parrotlet but she looks white.Tame but aggressive when shes on her cage. shes nice when in your hand and sometimes let you scratch…
SOLDFemale Green Pied 5 wks old. Will be weaned and ready in 2-3 wks. Albany NY area. no shipping
SOLDGreen female parrotlet. 1 year old tame.Shes on seeds diet and some fruits and veggies. Albany NY location. no shipping.
SOLDBlue Female Parrotlet. 7 wks old. Co parent raised. Handled regularly since 2 wks old so not afraid with hands. Shes started on seeds diet and millets…