Breeding pair of Parrotlets 520 plus shipping or best offer
SOLDFemale parrotlet 220 or best offer Shipping extra
SOLDWhiteface semi-tamed male cockatiel.
SOLDI currently have one pair available. It's a proven pair ready to give you babies. $400. There are 3 single females. Singles are $200 each. …
SOLDBailey is 12 years old, hatched on July 5th, 2009. He has been my beloved companion for the past 12 years but I have developed an allergy and have to…
SOLDThis is a healthy and playful Blue and Gold Macaw who needs to find a new home due to health challenges of his current owner. Was hand raised and loves…
SOLDMaggie is a beautiful Green Wing Macaw. Female and 17 years old. Loves interacting with family and has a good vocabulary. She has been with me since…
SOLDHarley is a male Harlequin Macaw and is 14 years old. I have had him since weaned. He has a very large vocabulary and personality. Loves showing off…
SOLDKiwi is a male Panama Amazon who loves talking and interacting with his family from inside his cage. He has a very aggressive manner if you try and hold…
SOLDThis beautiful Goffin Cockatoo is a male and approx 18 years old. He is loving and enjoys getting his head scratched. Like most Toos he will let you…