Beautiful albino cockatiel looking for a loving home, she is 7 weeks old very friendly and tamed she loves attention. For the safety and well being of…
SOLDTwo beautiful white face pearls cockatiels looking for a loving home , they are both males and they are siblings , they are 7 weeks old very friendly…
SOLDI have a green cheek conure about 1 years old needing a home. Not sure if he is male or female but he is tame and talks a little. Steps up.
SOLD4 month old baby black mask lovebird. Tame and will cuddle on chest. Does well with kids and other birds.
SOLD4 month old baby love bird. Black masked. Tame.. will snuggle on chest. Great with kids and other birds also/
SOLD2-month-old female Albino cockatiel looking for a loving home, she's tamed and friendly, she has been handfed. She loves attention and likes to play a…
SOLD7 parakeets looking for a loving home, $20 each
SOLDPatents on site. Mom is a prolific egg-layer and had three chicks. They have been raised together and need individual training. They have not been sexed…
SOLD2 year old blue male Parrotlet. Was hand raised but is no longer hand tamed. Will be great for breeding or companion. Does get along with other birds.…
SOLD18 year old blue crown conure with a funny personality. Likes attention and treats. Likes fruits and seeds. Unknown sex but never laid eggs so think it…