beautiful 3 month old babies friendly hands
SOLDYoung Bird is very friendly. He loves music and loves dance. He is very talkative. currently on pallets and vegs. He also loves eating off of our food…
SOLDA pair of two young parrots The dark one is the male the lighter one is a female
SOLDone month old baby still hand fed but learning to eat only meek
SOLDBorn December 25th 2021 No returns, no money back. Only pick up. TEXT ME if interested. please Must be over 18 years old to contact me
SOLD5-month male. it Can sing-song and pronounce 'cookie'. super-well tamed. Trust human. Sell with cage and 3 packages of seed food and everthing inside…
SOLD2 year old Male Rose Breasted Cockatoo with cage.
SOLD7 month old female African grey ( Congo ) with cage. $5000 OBO
SOLD$25/each in cash
SOLDGorgeous show quality birds from National Cockatiel Society lines. These birds are gorgeous as well as cuddly and friendly. They will make you so happy…