I have available 2 young Parakeets; the Male is blue and the female is green . asking only $30 for both.
SOLD1 year old female Cockatiel with cage and food. Very friendly, loves to be pet; loves to whistle, and loves to eat fruits. Looking for a caring person…
SOLDI have available 8 young Parakeets. if you need them all it will be at discounted price
SOLDThese are two young Cockatiels. One male and One female. It’s 300$ For both Cockatiels. These are only for PICK UP in New York City.
SOLDAfrican grey red factor breeding pair, they are not hand tamed. They are around 10-12 years old.. Pickup only from NJ.
SOLDYour consideration is much appreciated. With a heavy heart, my baby boy Rio will need to be re-homed. With my demanding work schedule and a need for…
SOLDLooking to rehome 6 month old yellowsided pineapple turquoise GCC. Not hand tame was parent raised but could be hand tame with some work. Is currently…
SOLDShe is missing some feathers on her back, but she is sweet and was handfed. She still deserves some love. We have no idea if her feathers will grow back…
SOLDCinnamon grey Male Ringneck Parakeet for sale. DNA tested and 6 months old. We started handfed since he is 10 days old. He is really tame and lovely.Now…
SOLDHatched on 11/20/22 about 11 weeks old, hand tamed, and hand raised Gender: Based on the tail stripes and how quiet, we think she is a girl Personality…