Male midnight black shoulder peacock please text me located in Upstate South Carolina Chester county near Lancaster
SOLDThis is MAMMU, he is a very vocal and loves to dance. He loves treats and eats from your hand hand. He loves his fruits and veggies. He is very healthy…
SOLDCockatiel Family - DAD, MOM, and DAUGHTER family, comes with free cage. There are tamed and love to have outside the cage time. They whistle and chat a…
SOLDPending sale. I have two budgies that need a home. Sweet, loves millet, smart birds. Young, bonded pairs, would like to rehome them in pairs if possible…
SOLDKasimir is a hand raised, 4 year old male Cockatiel. He has not been dna tested, but he is -definitely- male. I raised him myself from hatch. He eats well…
SOLDexcuse the baby food on his/ her face. Beautiful hand fed lutino
SOLDHaving to rehome my babies Marley and Hank. I have changed jobs and they aren't tolerating my new schedule, I have very little time now to play with…
SOLDSay hi to Gus! He's a healthy, friendly, 18 yo scarlet macaw. He would love to come live with an experienced large bird owner and get a lot of attention…
SOLDWe are rehoming 2 beautiful budgie. They are both females. One is beautiful white, blue, and gray. The other is green with a yellow head. White one is…
SOLD40 bird only 150 with cage and all accessories like lamp and heater including food to last probably a lifetime Cage is 5 feet long; also includes travel…