Need to rehome my Scarlet Macaw Her name is Poppy and she is a character! She mumbles and mimics some words and laughs sometimes. She’s a little shy at…
$5,000We now offer quality breed Ostrich chicks and adult Ostrich birds with fertile eggs for sale. We have the red neck,blue neck,black neck ostriches and their…
$500We have for sale 5, 10,11 weeks old rheas, 6 months old and 1-4 years old. The week old rheas will still require a heat lamp. They are handled daily and…
$1,000Parrot Cages ONLY..5'x6'x2' English GAW wire, 4 s/s dishes accessible from outside, door in one end, other end has food and nest box.. Nest boxes custom…
$500Cute and Playful Collared Aracaris Babies now available at Tropic Island Bird and Supply in San Diego. Call our phone number for more information!
$1,900Green Cheek Conure Parrots - February 2025 Hatch - Available at Tropic Island Bird and Supply in San Diego - Call or text us for more information $399…
$399New babies every 4 months. Text for latest pics. See us on social media.. #parsonsfamilybirds
$140Looking for a good home for my tame Jenday conure. Unsure of sex. Around 1 year old. Friendly but does need someone with bird experience.
$600Canary wings between 5-6 months were all handraised but no longer tame they dont bite hard but also dont like to be grabbed as much as they used to $280…
$280Baby dilute $380 as is to handraise