he is 35 years young. very friendly and loveable once he overcomes his initial fear of a new home. I am rehoming due to a recent death and divorce. recent…
SOLDMale, 2years-ish. His partner died. Looking for new home. Raised in busy home with multiple dogs and cats. Can be held. Has not flown much. Needs…
SOLD8 parakeets, 4 females and 4 males. There are two groups of four that are bonded and will not split up. 2ftx6 ft flight aviary also available and all accessories…
SOLDLola is a female umbrella cockatoo hatched on June 8, 2010 and whose owner adopted her on March 11, 2011. The owner is moving to assisted living. Lola…
SOLDBogey is a beautiful, intelligent adult male umbrella cockatoo whose owner is heading to assisted living. Bogey loves taking apart toys that make noise…
SOLDBoth birds and cage included plus foods, accessories.
SOLDMeet Chummy! He is a 5 year old green wing macaw. He is a fun, playful, talkative parrot. He is healthy with a good appetite. He loves to be a part…
SOLDProbably around 1 year old now. Message me me for more information or questions.
SOLDI have two beautiful Penguin Zebra finches ready to be re-homed. $25.00 each. They are just about 9 weeks old at this point. Most of their adult plumage…
SOLDI have three male regular Grey Zebra finches ready for new homes, and they are a little over 9 weeks old. $15 each. They are all from the same clutch,…