2-month-old beautiful male white face pearl cockatiel looking for a loving home, he is friendly and tamed, he's been raised and handfed since he was 2…
SOLDBeautiful albino cockatiel looking for a loving home, she is 7 weeks old very friendly and tamed she loves attention. For the safety and well being of…
SOLDTwo beautiful white face pearls cockatiels looking for a loving home , they are both males and they are siblings , they are 7 weeks old very friendly…
SOLDHe is 10 years old. The name is Eagle. She speaks, knows about 30 words, sings songs. We give it away because we don’t like children. ONLY IN A FAMILY…
SOLD2-month-old female Albino cockatiel looking for a loving home, she's tamed and friendly, she has been handfed. She loves attention and likes to play a…
SOLD7 parakeets looking for a loving home, $20 each
SOLDWillow is a Cinnamon Cockatiel who is a little over a year old with un-clipped wings. She is sweet and not aggressive toward humans or dogs - she has not…
SOLD2022 Cantor Spanish Timbrados hen available for rehoming. This quality show bird is from a Spain lineage & heritage. Few males and hens are available to…
SOLD2022 Cantor Spanish Timbrados male available for rehoming. This quality show bird is from a Spain lineage & heritage. Few males and hens are available…
SOLD2023 Cantor Spanish Timbrados male available for rehoming. This quality show bird is from a Spain lineage & heritage. Few males and hens are available…