African gray 6-9 years old he is very friendly and talker says hello I love you some songs
SOLD2 year old female India blue peahen. Pick up only. Healthy.
SOLD4 healthy young pea chicks. Gender unknown. Indigo blue. $75 Pick up
SOLDHealthy year old male ostrich.
SOLDcinnamon turquoise/red factor conures 250.00 cash only pickup only
SOLDPablo is fluent in two languages, English and naughty. Extremely socialized parrot is 6 years old and needs more than we can offer to him. Very confident…
SOLD3 year old DNA Tested Male Blue Headed Pionus. Prefers males. He is very sweet. Flighted and harness trained. Located in New Jersey. Will not be shipped…
SOLDSelling two adult conures, 9 years old. They are an adult bonded pair from the same clutch. I'm unwilling to sell them separately. They are hand tame …
SOLDDiamond Dove, young, male and female
SOLDI have a pair of baby Parrotletts. Need to be rehomed ASAP!! Due to our dog. They can go together which is preferred but not necessary. Due to needing…