Males Red factor
SOLD5 year old male Sun Conure for sale for $750 comes with large cage for free. Fixed price. I no longer have time and space to take care of him. Must pick…
SOLDCockatiels are lovely birds as pets. If you want to keep a cockatiel as a pet, go for it as cockatiel will amaze you with its ability to mimic a human…
SOLDI have one male cockatiel left. Fully weened, handled, but not fully hand tamed. Hatched 5/25/24
SOLDI have 1 Cockatiel’s for sale. 3 months old ready to go to it’s forever home. Will not be DNA tested. Do NOT know gender. Please ask for more pictures…
SOLDI have 3 baby Cockatiel’s for sale. Hand tamed, $150 each. Ready to go beginning of April. Message for more pictures .
SOLDI have 2 Baby Cockatiel’s hand tamed, Ready to go to forever homes. Ask for more pics, could only post one pic for the Ad.
SOLDI have 3 cockatiel’s for sale. Fully weened, 14 weeks old. $100 each.
SOLDI have 3 baby Cockatiels for sale. Ready to go in a few weeks. Hand fed and tamed. $200 each
SOLDTwo babies ready to go June 1st Friendly, playful, and frequently handled by members of the household. They will readily bond with an attentive caretaker…