Blue opaline Quaker Just over 2 months old Tame If interested, please text me
SOLD10 parakeets for sale. $35.00/each OR $140 for all 10 including the cage and supplies.
SOLDA price is listed but all offers will be considered. This is outside the Philadelphia area and willing to travel up to one hour to meet anyone not in the…
SOLD8 month old three beautiful mute cygnets swan available for sale. $350 for each.
SOLDMales Red factor
SOLDWe have 8 young cockatiels for sale and 2 guaranteed mating pair the mating pair must be sold together 350.00 for the pair and the younger birds are 100…
SOLDCockatiel Pair Female recessive silver Male white faced Still breeding Hand tame Contact for more info Sorry I do not ship
SOLD4 month-old white face pearl, looking for a loving home. A little shy at first but very sweet, gender unknown, loves attention, and loves to play . has…
SOLD4 year old normal gray cockatiel looking for a loving home. His name is grandmas baby , he is smart he talks and whistles he loves attention and head rubs…
SOLDLooking for a loving home, her name is tattoo and she's 5 months old , she's a little shy but sweet , she likes head rubs and attention , she's very mellow…