Handfed baby cockatiel, will be ready in about a month. Very sweet and tame.
SOLDWhite face female about 1 year old.
SOLDYoung yellow and brown singer
SOLDHandfed baby, will be ready in about a month. Very sweet and precious.
SOLD10 weeks old yellow amazon! I got told is a boy! He need to be train!
SOLDMale and Female Blue Front Amazon Parrots whit DNA Certificate very friendlys and tamed parrots, male has 4 years old and female has 5 years old, send…
SOLDRinged Blue Front Amazon Male whit DNA Certificate, tamed and friendly 3 years old
SOLDI have a little green cheek conure her name is Jade. she is 2 1/2 years old, her cage and toys will be included. I have some birds that she is dominant…
SOLDI have a male cockatiel who needs a good and loving home. His name is Lokie and he will sit on your head or shoulder's under his terms. if you talk to…
SOLDi have 2 goffin cockatoos that i need to rehome. both will be together with 2 fairly new 300.00 cages. 1 male and 1 female. female is friendly,male needs…