Looking for a loving home, his name is Elvis and he's 2 months old he's hand raised and hand fed, he loves head rubs and attention , he likes to fly around…
SOLD3 young turquoise green cheek conures 5 months old. Was hand fed but NOT TAME anymore. Very active. I have 1 male and 2 females $360 each with dna only…
SOLDFemale albino white cockatiel 4 months old. NOT TAME. Shy. Wings are clipped. Broken tail feathers due to my other parrots bit her tails. $160. No cage…
SOLDBeautiful very sweet male baby cherry head conure. 3 months. Hand fed and tame. Has dna paper, pbfd disease tested negative. Not easy to find conure.…
SOLDBeautiful female Hahns mini macaw 9 yrs old. She knows how to step up in your finger. She’s very sweet but sometimes she will bite you first before she…
SOLDYoung male pineapple green cheek conure 6 months old. NOT TAME. Shy. Has dna paper. Wings are clipped. Beautiful feathers. Very active. $280. No cage …
SOLDBaby shamrock macaw hybrid still hand feeding. Very sweet. 7 weeks old. Dna test pending. $3700 unweaned. Must have experienced hand feeding baby parrot…
SOLDI have 10 Sweet baby green quaker parrots available. 10 weeks old. Hand fed and tame. Very sweet. I have males and females. Love fruits and veggies. $390…
SOLDYoung female green cheek conure 6 months old. NOT TAME. shy. Has dna paper. Missing 2 toenails due to other parrot bit her. Very active. Wings are clipped…
SOLDBeautiful male Maximilian Pionus parrot 6yrs old. Not tame. Shy. Not aggressive. Friendly with other birds. Quiet bird. Wings are clipped. Very active…