Hand tame 10 week old Nandey conure is available Also 10 week old Nandy Jandey Hybrid also available
$1,200Parrotlets for sale. All are under 3 month tame and train Store Location: Colors Of Birds 126 New Canaan Ave Norwalk CT 06850 475731292five
$250very sweet baby lutino. DNA sexed male. very calm loves to be with you.
SOLDsweet handfed blue quaker baby. loves her head scratches and is talking.
SOLDhave a few baby suncheeks, varying amounts of red and have both sexes. all handfed and sweet.
SOLDhandfed quaker baby. loves head scratches is going to make a nice pet
SOLDsweet handfed normal green cheek
SOLDsweet handfed dilute green cheek.
SOLDvery sweet handfed cinnamon turquoise, sexed linked female.
SOLDsweet and beautiful dilute yellow side. dna sexed male