i have 2 goffin cockatoos that i need to rehome. both will be together with 2 fairly new 300.00 cages. 1 male and 1 female. female is friendly,male needs…
SOLD6 budgies for rehoming. 3 males and 3 females. Must go in pairs as parakeets are community birds. Not hand tamed.
SOLD2 month old lutino and albino budgies available. Pickup from Ellicott City MD. $50 for the pair. These are half English budgies. Parakeet/Budgie
SOLD1 month old half English budgies available. Spangles, opaline, inos,cinnamon are some of the mutations available. Total 10 available. Must go in pairs…
SOLD1 month old half English budgies available. Spangles, opaline, inos,cinnamon are some of the mutations available. Total 10 available. Must go in pairs…
SOLDWhiteface lovebirds proven pair, includes cage
SOLDProven pair, comes with cage, and nesting box
SOLDSweet and cuddly. He will eat canary fruit pellets, millet, cockatiel seed, fresh spinach. No cage included. Contact me and I wiill send more pics or a…
SOLDHandfed Baby Cockatiel, handtame. Cinnamon pearled female. Very, very sweet!
SOLDyoung male whiteface cockatiel, very sweet and tame and cuddly