This bird is sold.
SOLD5 year old male Sun Conure for sale for $750 comes with large cage for free. Fixed price. I no longer have time and space to take care of him. Must pick…
SOLDPrice dropped. Need to move for medical reasons Male and Female Gray. Male about 20 years old female about 15 years Can’t find paper work but both…
SOLDI have a young true pair of green cheek (2 yrs old) breeding pair with DNA certificates. They are very loving towards each other: eat, drink and bath…
SOLDI have a hand tamed and very sweet gold capped conure for sale. She will sit on your shoulder and hang out with you. Never bit and has never gotten nippy…
SOLDThese young Finches were raised by parents fed sprouted seed, scrambled or hard boiled egg,, egg, egg food, fortified pellets and seed mix millet, mashed…
SOLD(Pending Sale)She is roughly 4 years old. Cage aggressive with other female LBS. Lay's eggs a lot. No mate.
SOLD(Pending sale)No shipping.. Warning. Female is aggressive hands near the cage. She is always laying eggs on the bottom and I think she tries to protect…
SOLDSelling our 5 years old yellow nape amazon, He is semi tame and great for breeding, He talks & he is on premium diet and likes fruits & veggies, Perfect…
SOLDBlue and gold macaw baby, Dave is handfed-hand raised and super friendly & loves to cuddle, he is ready for new home, Dave is little over 3 months old…