2-month-old female Albino cockatiel looking for a loving home, she's tamed and friendly, she has been handfed. She loves attention and likes to play a…
SOLD7 parakeets looking for a loving home, $20 each
SOLDYour consideration is much appreciated. With a heavy heart, my baby boy Rio will need to be re-homed. With my demanding work schedule and a need for…
SOLD5-month male. it Can sing-song and pronounce 'cookie'. super-well tamed. Trust human. Sell with cage and 3 packages of seed food and everthing inside…
SOLD2-year-old male. I have mine trained to free-range during the day, but I lock them up at night. Not tame to touch, but will eagerly eat treats at your…
SOLDThe male has a slight inward bow on one leg due to an injury when it was a chick. They both run, chase, and play with the others with no problem. Both…
SOLD2 year-old black shoulder purple hen for $250. Prices are FIRM. No shipping. Pickup or meet within 25 miles of I-80 and I-81 intersection in PA. Cash…
SOLDI am looking to rehome my Yellow Naped Amazon parrots. They are 7 years old, fully feathered, and were seen by Chadwell Animal Hospital and had a full…
SOLDI am looking for a new home for my Blue Fronted Amazons. They are 17 years old. They are tame, but the male is stubborn and will usually only step up on…
SOLDI have a 2 year old male Eclectus I am looking for a home for. He is in good health, fully feathered, and he is very tame and friendly. I do not clip his…