This baby female sun should be fully weaned in about a week or so. DNA female. Hatch date 3/6/2023. She is learning to step up, eating fruits and veggies…
SOLDThese two young budgies are available. Fed fresh fruit and veggies daily. $20.00 each. Please contact me if interested
SOLDThis young Lutino Budgie is available. Offered fresh fruits and veggies daily.
SOLDI have a newly weaned cockatiel who was Handfed. DNA male. He is eating fresh fruit and veggies Dailey along with Hari Tropimix for cockatiels. Please…
SOLDPhoto #1 - Buddy - Mature male 11 years old. Very friendly. Loves to sing, whistle, be held, give kisses, and explore outside of the cage. Photo #2 -…
SOLDDue to medical complications (mine), I can no longer provide the care they deserve. My loss, your gain. Meet Otis (B&G) and Gunny (Military). They…
SOLDSun Conure available. Female (DNA Tested). She is 23 weeks old as of 1/05/2025. Human contact daily. She is ready now, eating and drinking independently…
SOLDSun Conure available. Male (DNA Tested). He is 23 weeks old as of 1/05/2025. Human contact daily. He is ready now, eating and drinking independently. Cash…
SOLDWe have a baby/young (Fledgling/Juvenile) Sun Conure available. Male (DNA Tested). He is 13 weeks old as of 01/27/2024. Human contact daily. He is ready…
SOLDWe have a baby/young (Fledgling/Juvenile) Sun Conure available. Female (DNA Tested). She is 13 weeks old as of 01/27/2024. Human contact daily. She is…