Having to re home my very sweet, talkative 8 year old female African Grey due to my health issues! Must be able to pick up in North Carolina
SOLD2 Parrolets and cage toys food included
SOLDVery tame and affectionate Blue Lacewing IRN. Ok for beginners. She's approximately 4 years old. Loves attention and scratches. She enjoys taking showers…
SOLDOne year old Black Capped Conure with cage. Bird is very healthy and playful. Just need to sell it as I am moving. In-person pickup only. Includes…
SOLDBeautiful Bonded Breeding Pair of Lovebirds and Cage
SOLDVery sweet hand fed and handled daily. They are 3 months old eating seed and transitioning to pellets. They are learning to sing, talk, and love playing…
SOLDI have 1 female pied whiteface cockatiel ready for a new home if interested please call or message me thanks.
SOLDI have 2 female cinnamon pied whiteface cocktails ready for a new homes if interested please call or message me thanks (our phone number)
SOLDHi I have 1 female whiteface cocktail available she is eating seeds on her own now if interested please call or text thank you.
SOLDHi I have 1 baby whiteface cocktail ready for new home. 2 pied Cinnamons sold. 1 albino red eyes not sure gender left. Eating seeds if interested please…