We think he’s a boy. His name is Blue. There’s nothing wrong with him, we just realized we are not bird people. Free to a good home that will interact…
SOLD7 month old grey and white cockatiel. Hand fed and tame.
SOLD7 month old cockatiel. Hand fed and tame.
SOLDAll have been sold, thanks for all the inquires. Hand feeding 4 Senegal's at this time, should be ready for their new loving home around the 1st of June…
SOLDBond's tin Roof DNA pending but thinking this one is a Boy Band #2 SOLD
SOLDBond's Tin Roof Band#1 DNA pending, I thinking it's a boy
SOLDHand-Fed baby Senegals Band#3 DNA pending but thinking this one is going to be a female
SOLDBond's Tin Roof Band#4 DNA pending but thinking this one is a male.
SOLDHand feeding a Congo grey, hatched date 1/18/2023. should be ready for new loving home around 4/22/2023. Sorry but no shipping. Jimmy
SOLDHand- Fed baby Senegal parrots, I have one left. DNA Female. Jimmy