Located in North Carolina. They are almost ready to find their new home. Green is male. Yellow is female. From same clutch. If you’d like to see more photos…
SOLDLocated in North Carolina. These babies are 4-6 months. Some are more tame than others. However, the more they are out and socialized the more tame the…
SOLDGray opaline/split/ turquoise. Beautiful Ten-month-old DNA-sexed female. Handfed, playful and talking . I am re-homing due to my having chronic Bird Fancier…
SOLDWe are rehoming 2 beautiful budgie. They are both females. One is beautiful white, blue, and gray. The other is green with a yellow head. White one is…
SOLDexcuse the baby food on his/ her face. Beautiful hand fed lutino