Playful jenday conure; still hand feeding. Must of had an accident it the nest and is blind in one eye. Makes up for it with its sweet nature. Should…
SOLDReady for their new homes. Unsure of sex but I do believe the Albino is a male. Available: 1 normal grey 1 Albino 1 grey Whiteface 1 pearl
SOLDHandfed and leg banded for identification. DNA sexing soon. Have 3 available: 2 normal green (if male split to yellowsided, cinnamon, and turquoise…
SOLDthree (3) female blue front amazon parrots born June and July 2023 for sale in Late August 2023. These birds are being hand fed and will be tame. I will…
SOLDMale Proven Green Wing Macaw. This is a proven breeder and not tame. The female died and this male needs a mate. This male is proven and has given me several…
SOLDBorn 12/03/23 Beautiful baby blue and gold macaw. The macaw has a splayed leg. Bird is learning how to walk normally even with the right leg being outwards…
SOLDThis beautiful two-year old blue indian ringneck is looking for a new loving home! He has been fed a healthy diet, well-socialized, and is in excellent…
SOLDBaby/young cockatiels- not tame- were handfed- on pellets - can easily be tamed.
SOLDTame and friendly 6 month old pineapple green cheek Conure. Will step up and eat from your hand, as well as perch on your shoulder. Gender unknown. Likes…
SOLDVery tame and friendly. 6 months old. Will step up and perch on your finger or shoulder. $600. Loves to play on bird play stand. Thanks!