Very friendly and playful, And was born on 17 December, 2021.
SOLDCute and playful, was born on December 17,2021. Has big beautiful round eyes.
SOLD9 month old Quaker Parrot. Green with blue feathers. Enjoys stepping up and singing in the shower. We realized a little too late that we cannot spend the…
SOLDProven sun conure pair who have had 1 clutch so far. Male and female are both about 3 years old. I have their vet papers for gender. If you have any questions…
SOLDYoung Bird is very friendly. He loves music and loves dance. He is very talkative. currently on pallets and vegs. He also loves eating off of our food…
SOLDCali is a 2 year old sun conure. She is DNA sexed by a local store. She is incredibly sweet and goes with us to the mall, the park, rides and has never…
SOLDAdorable and hand tame green cheek! He hasn't been held for a bit, but he has never bit any of us and we just don't have the time for him anymore :( We…
SOLDHand tame, hand fed, hand raised ADORABLE babies. They hatched on 09/01/2021 and 09/04/2021. We have one boy ($200) and one girl ($300) left!
SOLDGot a beautiful pair of budgies for sale (A male and female) They are very friendly and healthy. Selling them as a pair with the extra large cage and…
SOLD2 grey pearl / with white speckles cockatiels for sale . 5 months old. Not hand fed/not tame. Unknown gender. $150 each Local pick up in Mahwah NJ…