Handfed baby, will be ready in about a month. Very sweet and precious.
SOLD2 beautiful Fisher's born in March unable to keep due to a move must stay together very bonded . All the food and toys are included.
SOLDI have this female for sale. She is 6 years old .. very friendly for with all my kids. She talk a lot and very quick learner. If you teach her some word…
SOLDSelling our 5 years old yellow nape amazon, He is semi tame and great for breeding, He talks & he is on premium diet and likes fruits & veggies, Perfect…
SOLDBlue and gold macaw baby, Dave is handfed-hand raised and super friendly & loves to cuddle, he is ready for new home, Dave is little over 3 months old…
SOLDAccepting reservations for blue and gold macaw baby. Lori is almost 3 months old banded ,DNA'D (Female) & Disease Tested. Only Serious inquiries please…
SOLDSkittles is a beautiful & healthy Blue and Gold Macaw looking for loving home, She is 15 months old, she is DNA'D & Disease tested, only Serious inquiries…
SOLDPENDING PICKUP ON FRIDAY. KEEPING LISTING ACTIVE UNTIL IM SURE THE SALE IS FINALIZED. First I want to say this bird is my baby, so it’s very hard for me…
SOLD5 Months Old healthy baby blue & gold female macaw(Skittles), She is Tame and Loves to Cuddle & watch movies on the couch, She is also starting say couple…
SOLDProven healthy Pair,only contact if you are serious. Shipping Available thru Delta. $5500 Pair!