I am selling my one year old lovebird. He is very nice and will show love towards anyone that respects him and his space. Along with this lovebird I am…
SOLD1 year old female Cockatiel with cage and food. Very friendly, loves to be pet; loves to whistle, and loves to eat fruits. Looking for a caring person…
SOLDBonded pair.Male is 3 year old female is 2 year old.
SOLDPair of Sun Conure.Male is 3 yr old & Female is 2 yr old.No shipping only pick up.
SOLD4 months old baby gcc.
SOLDI have two baby hybrid macaws for sale. Parents are a Blue Gold x Millie Gold. Just weaned and ready to go . I am also selling the proven parent pair and…
SOLDGot a beautiful pair of budgies for sale (A male and female) They are very friendly and healthy. Selling them as a pair with the extra large cage and…
SOLD$25/each in cash
SOLDRoxy is a 3 yr female blue fronted amazon parrot. She says a few words and loves peanuts, nuts, fruits etc. She like to dance and is very curious. Please…