friendly well taken care of will step up. he is a male he talks gives kisses, and mimics sounds. loves the occasional oatmeal and mixed nuts
SOLDYoung Mosaic Male Canary great singer ready for his forever home! No shipping Pickup Only!
SOLDYoung bronze Canary ready for it forever home unsexed but believe its a male
SOLDCanary Mosaic red and white young female unsexed but believe its a female
SOLD10 parakeets for sale. $35.00/each OR $140 for all 10 including the cage and supplies.
SOLDI inherited this grey (Bubba) about a year ago from my grandmother as she is no longer capable of caring for him. The bird has been with my grandmother…
SOLDPlayful and very sweet, is hand-tamed and loves to be out of her cage. Enjoys baths and has radiant, beautiful colors. No shipping local pickup only.
SOLDPedro is a 2 year old male pied cockatiel that is friendly, says a variety of words and whistles tunes, negative for common avian diseases, and fully flighted…
SOLDDrama is a sweet Amazon parrot that is tame, playful, talks, steps up, and healthy. Low (non negotiable) fee of 1200 including his cage to ensure a good…
SOLDLast one for 2024! 9 week old hand fed hand tame baby green cheek conure ready now! This one is super curious about people loves to interact and has really…