Poppy is a 14-year-old male electus, born in 2009. He has never had his wings clipped and has full flight. He loves to roam the house. He has an excellent…
SOLD10 parakeets for sale. $35.00/each OR $140 for all 10 including the cage and supplies.
SOLDTwo 3-month old cockatiel brothers are looking for their forever home! They must stay TOGETHER. These 2 are buddies and I don't want to separate them…
SOLDDNA tested to be a male. Hatched during the week of 9/18/2024. Hand-fed since 2 weeks old. Tame and doesn't bite. Serious inquiries are welcomed via text…
SOLDTwo babies have been hand-fed since hatched (That's right, they were fed every two hours day and night for the first week and every four hours for the…
SOLDMale cockatiel looking for a loving home. DNA-confirmed male, hatched May 6, 2024. He has a beautiful singing voice. Unfortunately, his tail feathers are…
SOLDRare coloration. DNA tested to be a female. Hatched during the week of 9/20/2024. Hand-fed since 2 weeks old. Weaned now. Tame and friendly. Perfect feathered…
SOLDDNA tested to be a female. Hatched during the week of 7/1/2024. Hand-fed since 2 weeks old. Extremely tame and friendly. Perfect feathered pet. She steps…
SOLDBaby pearl cockatiel available. DNA sexed as male. Hatched during the week of 8/15/2024. Hand-fed since 2 weeks old. Extremely tame and friendly. Perfect…
SOLDDNA tested to be a female. Hatched during the week of 9/18/2024. Hand-fed since 2 weeks old. Extremely tame and friendly. Perfect feathered pet. She steps…