I have a 2 year old male Eclectus I am looking for a home for. He is in good health, fully feathered, and he is very tame and friendly. I do not clip his…
SOLDThis bird is sold.
SOLDChole, is a 3 year old Cockatiel who has been hand reared and purchased from TC Feathers Aviary.
SOLDHer name is Bo. Tame & Steps up. Congo African Grey Female. No plucking. Loves to talk, dance and hangout. Truly a sweet bird with a great personality…
SOLD10-month-old Sun Conure for Sale - $650 - contact me at our email address or our phone number. I am located in Baltimore, Maryland. The sun conure is very…
SOLDTweeks is a year old quaker parrot, I have raised him since he was born so he was hand fed. He says a few words and gives kisses.
SOLDI have 3 conures for sale. One female, one male and one unknown. DNA and hatch certs included. Finding a good home is more important than the money…
SOLDHatched 5/30/2024. Healthy beautiful baby Yellow-sided Green Cheek Conure. Non DNA'd. Shy. skittish. Currently will step up to a stick, sometimes your…
SOLDTame, quiet male Green Cheek Conure. Hand Fed, Finger / shoulder tame, will sometimes let you gently handle him, though not as much lately. Currently…
SOLD15 yr old parrot.. Comes with $350 cage in excellent condition.. Please feel free to contact me with any questions