blackmask baby lovebirds . There currently 3 weeks old. Will be very sweet and a cuddle bug. Will be DNA sexed.
SOLD2 month old lutino and albino budgies available. Pickup from Ellicott City MD. $50 for the pair. These are half English budgies. Parakeet/Budgie
SOLDYoung bonded pair not hand tame would make a great breeding pair
SOLD1 month old half English budgies available. Spangles, opaline, inos,cinnamon are some of the mutations available. Total 10 available. Must go in pairs…
SOLD1 month old half English budgies available. Spangles, opaline, inos,cinnamon are some of the mutations available. Total 10 available. Must go in pairs…
SOLDBaby peachfaced lovebirds. Will be weaned soon. Hand fed and hand tame. Babies have been dna tested. Yellows are females and greens are males
SOLDBaby cinnamon dilute conure still being hand fed will be ready in a few weeks. DNA, male . Hand fed and hand tame. Mom is a sun cheek and dad is a moon…
SOLDProven bonded pair great parents I just have to many pairs . Can be reached at 8149378540. 350.00 for the pair . Can provide more pictures upon request…
SOLDBaby parakeets still being hand fed
SOLDPeachfaced baby lovebirds still being hand fed