Currently looking for a welcoming safe home, both girls.
SOLDThey are very playful and talkative! They were born April 15nth 2022. Each cockatiel is $175 one boy and one girl!
SOLDThree baby cockatiels that are two and a half months old and $175 each, all females and very friendly. Let me know if your interested. You will be able…
SOLDCute and playful, was born on December 17,2021. Has big beautiful round eyes.
SOLDVery friendly and playful, And was born on 17 December, 2021.
SOLD7 year old female ruby macaw. She prefers women. She is a sweet girl when she gets to know you.
SOLDI have 2 sun conures hatched out in May they are not dna tested. Fall is upon us and would like to find great homes for them. I have lowered the price…
SOLDI have one female linnie that needs a mate!!!! She keeps laying eggs but I have no mate for her. Im located in Northville NY 12134 please google distance…
SOLDI have one baby blue ringneck ready to go her hatch date was April 6th she was hand fed. Located in Northville NY 12134 please google your distance as…
SOLDAvailable 2 baby ringnecks hatched out March 5th and 7th just finished hand feeding. DNA tested one male one female. Location Northville NY 12134 please…